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Kielingua blog is meant for everyone interested in languages. The writers are young researchers who are interested in sharing their thoughts related to timely language issues, presenting interesting findings from research literature, and showing what doing research can be. We invite visitors to also write about their thoughts. The style of the blog is casual but with references to original sources when needed. We hope we can address the meaning and relevance of language in all areas of life from pop culture to politics and inspire readers to explore languages!


Kielingua on blogi kaikille kielestä ja kielistä kiinnostuneille. Sen perustajat ovat nuoria tutkijoita, joita kiinnostavat ajankohtaiset kielikysymykset, mielenkiintoisten tutkimusten esitteleminen ja tutkimusarjen kuvaaminen. Blogissa julkaistaan myös vierailevien kirjoittajien tekstejä. Tyyliltään blogi on rento, mutta tarvittaessa viittaamme lähdekirjallisuuteen. Haluamme tuoda esiin kielen merkityksen elämän eri alueilla popkulttuurista politiikkaan ja innostaa lukijoita kielten maailmaan!




We would love to hear from you! Send your post idea to the moderating team: Please include a short introduction of yourself, what would be the topic of your post, in which language you plan to write and when you could provide the text.


Otamme ilolla vastaan muiden kirjoituksia! Lähetä teksti-ideasi moderaattori-tiimille: Kirjoita viestiin lyhyt kuvaus itsestäsi, mikä olisi kirjoituksesi aihe ja kieli sekä milloin tekstisi olisi valmiina.



Venla Rantanen is a doctoral researcher in the Centre for Applied Language studies at University of Jyväskylä. Currently, she lives in Helsinki, Finland. Venla’s main research interests lie within multilingualism in school, critical pedagogy, critical discourse studies and science education. In her free-time, Venla enjoys different arts and crafts as well as horse riding.


Kirsi Leskinen is a doctoral researcher at the Department of Language and Communications Studies at the University of Jyväskylä. Her list of (research) interests is long and includes, for example, second language development and academic reading and writing. Kirsi enjoys playing ultimate frisbee and going outdoors, and she is currently obsessed with houseplants.


Minttu Vänttinen is a doctoral researcher at the Department of Language and Communication Studies at the University of Jyväskylä. With a background in foreign language teaching, she is especially intrigued by classroom interaction and questions of language learning. She is also obsessed with knitting and currently struggling to learn the secrets of gardening.   


Tanja Seppälä is a doctoral researcher in the Center for Applied Language Studies at University of Jyväskylä, and she lives in Oulu, Finland. She has a background in teaching adult migrants and university students abroad. She is interested in especially Finnish as a second language, language learning and languages role in integration. In her free-time she does improvisation theater, plays disc golf and boardgames. She always has a long list of novels and comics to be read and listened to!

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